1364 SR 44 South Shinglehouse, PA 16748
Serving Veterans and the communities of northern Potter County
American Legion Post 530 was established January 19th, 1923
A passion for service.
The American Legion was founded upon four pillars of service in 1919.
Our Veterans…
Post 530 supports area veterans in a number of ways. We provide direct support to individual veterans and organizations that assist veterans. Visit our Veterans’ Resources page for more information.
Our Youth…
The Post provides sponsorship of area youth activities such as the Oswayo Valley Trap team, Scouting organizations and local sports teams. Post 530 works with the Oswayo Valley High School English Department, administering and judging the American Legion annual scholarship program.
A Strong National Defense…
American Legion Post 530, along with other regional veteran organizations, is supporting our local National Guard troops that are deployed to Africa. They are in need of basic necessity items that are prohibitively expensive there: toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and other toiletries, etc. Please drop off any donations at the Post 4-8pm weekdays and 12-8pm Sat/Sun.
Post 530 supports local youth programs that embrace Americanism as part of our commitment to promoting Americanism.
Contact Shinglehouse American Legion Post 530
Address: 1364 SR 44 South Shinglehouse, PA 16748
Phone: 814-two03-4335